Meet Elektra Natchios, a young woman who has played many intriguing roles: gymnast, martial artist, ninja, assassin. But this enigmatic woman, trained in the arts of ninjitsu and renowned as the world's deadliest assassin is dead. Or is she? An unconscious woman washes ashore in a small Central American country. Two policemen are strangled. A diplomat is assassinated. A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is brutally dismembered. Unrelated events? Hardly. Elektra has returned. Whether she's been miraculously resurrected or this is an untold tale from Elektra's past is left for the reader to decide. But one thing remains certain, Elektra is back with a vengeance. From the combined talents of two of comics' greatest innovators - Frank Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz - comes this psychological excursion through the mind, body and soul of the world's most dangerous woman. Collecting ELEKTRA: ASSASSIN #1-8.
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