Special Orders
Looking for something we don’t have?
If you’re looking for something that we don’t have on the site, don’t worry about it, just send us an email and we’ll try our best to find what you’re looking for.
Frequently Asked Special Order Questions:
Can I order old comics?
Absolutely, we have a ton of things not currently on the site, and we have an extensive network of fellow dealers. If we can get it for you, we will try our best.
Can I order things that aren’t comics?
Whether you’re looking for a book, a t-shirt, a toy, a statue, or a collectible of some kind, we’ve got access to a lot more than just comics. Let us know what you’re looking for, and we’ll try to find it for you!
Do you have a special order guarantee?
We’ll try our best, but there are some things that we simply can’t get.
How do you bill me for my special order?
If you’re a subscription customer, we’ll add it you your next order. If you’re not a subscription customer, we’ll ask for a deposit up front before we place the order and we will invoice you for the remaining amount when it arrives.