About Us
About Us
The story of All New Comics...so far...
All New Comics is dedicated to making it easier to buy comics. To making sure you never miss an issue. To helping you to save some money. To helping to build the comics industry into a bigger and better thing, and to contributing to our industry in meaningful and lasting ways.
We have been in business since 2005, and we’ve established ourselves as Canada’s Online Comics Superstore!
All New Comics is owned by Peter Fisico. Peter has been a comics retailer for many years. He is an integral part of the Toronto comics community. He’s the inspiration behind the Women of Comics panels at the Toronto Comicon, and is a huge collector of comics, comic memorabilia, and original comics art. His resume includes organizing conventions, and managing a successful comics store.
Peter’s original co-founder, Brian Garside, serves as technical consultant in partnership with his company Manage Comics.
All New Comics focuses on serving the entire Canadian comics loving community. From the farthest reaches of the west coast, all the way to the most distant towns of the east coast, All New Comics has served the entire country for over a decade.
Not only was Manage Comics the first massively online comic shop in Canada with more product available than any other comic shop, but one of our biggest moments was the innovation of the Subscription Billing service on August 1st 2007 . The subscription tool was significantly overhauled to allow for automated billing directly through the website. All orders from selection to pull through billing were tracked directly on the website.
June 14th 2005
The site started out with a very basic front page promoting news stories about comics. A few weeks later we launched an online store, but the news and the store were separate areas of the site. Looking at the site we realized some pretty glaring omissions. The site while clean, felt disconnected.
April 16th 2006
This version included many of the learnings we had from the first version, and incorporated our all new Subscriptions tool which is the cornerstone of our business.
OCTOBER 11, 2011
Featured a brand new website that was better designed, with a vastly improved subscriptions picker. The new site was streamlined and cleaned up, and products were made mu
NOVEMBER 1, 2015
All New Comics became the first store to use the Manage Comics service! A more powerful subscription management service that for the first time allowed special orders and deeper subscription management.
January 1st, 2016
An all new, WordPress/WooCommerce powered website with an enhanced mobile experience. Version 4.1 was engineered to be the most advanced version of All New Comics yet to celebrate a decade in business.
AUGUST 19, 2018
An upgrade to the main theme, a redesigned home page, and on new, dedicated servers out of a Toronto data centre thanks to our friends at NorthIQ Inc.
OCTOBER 1, 2021
Fully powered by Shopify, and built by our old pal Brian and his team at Manage Comics.
January 1, 2025
After 20 years of providing the best subscription service on the planet, we handed the reigns over to our friends at Earth 519.