All New Comics turns 19!

Jun 14, 2024

On June 19th 2005, All New Comics 1.0 came online. In the past 19 years we've seen a lot of changes, both in our own business, and in the comics industry in general, some good, some bad, some in-between.

The comics landscape is a vastly different place than it was in 2005. We've seen the rise and fall of some great publishers, we've gone from a single distributor to multiple distributors. From single covers to the rise of variants.

It all started when Brian had an idea "What if we built a virtual comic shop for folks who don't have a local shop?", and pitched the idea to Peter. They hired Ryan to build the subscription tool that started everything out. Brian left the business, and Peter took All New Comics to the next level, with a number of assistants over the next decade plus.

Thanks to each and every customer who's been a part of our journey.  All New Comics can officially drink now in Canada, so we'll raise a pint to this milestone!

Here's what All New Comics looked like in early 2006 (the earliest image I can find on the internets).